21st Century Education

Parents DO HAVE A SAY in their children’s Education.


James Tarantin


It’s true that many successful entrepreneurs do not have a college education. Though James Tarantin, like tens of millions of good Americans, did not have the money and the opportunity to go to college, he believes that the strength of the American economy and the economy of Maryland is directly linked to the strength of America’s education system.

Thomas Jefferson once observed, “talent and virtue, needed in a free society, should be educated regardless of wealth, birth or other accidental condition.”

Our young men and women are the intellectual infrastructure of the future. We know that in this new world, today, 12 years of education is not enough.


  • PROBLEM – Many nations’ educational system is more advanced than the USA.
  • PROBLEMPoliticians need to understand that the best anti-poverty program is a world class education.
  • PROBLEM – The National Council of Education Opportunity Associations states: “that the proportion of students earning college degrees by age of 24 from families in the richest quarter of the population (in 1994, those with incomes above $60,000) has jumped sharply, to 79% in 1994 from 31% in 1979. But the rate among students from families in the poorest population (with 1994 incomes below $22,000) stayed flat over the same years, at about 8%.”
  • PROBLEMToday, students face around $1 Trillion of student loan debt. There’s very little relief in sight as the average college tuition costs continue to rise.
  • PROBLEM Pressure from society on both parents and children, that if the children will do not go to a good college they will fail in life. The system is broken and is rigged.




  • An Army of Teachers and Giving them Benefits:
    • James Tarantin believes in recruiting a new army of quality teachers by offering great tax credits on their personal income should they stay teaching for a certain amount of time.
    • These tax-breaks would shift the dynamic of education in every community in America.
  • Parents save money Now: James Tarantin believes that parents in Maryland and across the United States who create a designated saving account for their Children’s college education, whatever monies put there, would qualify for a 100% tax deduction. The accumulative cash in the account can only be used for the Children’s’ college education. Bottom line, no school can replace a loving parent who inspires and enlighten his/her child on a daily basis.
  • Better Students: Provide designated places in schools where kids can relax and do meditative exercises such as Yoga and positive thinking, which increase focus. These stress-relief places will be inspirational places that inspire equality and success. This must be done in such a way as to not violate the First Amendment. For example, beginning in 1965, Transcendent Meditation Technique has been incorporated in certain schools, universities, corporations and prison programs in the USA, Latin America, Europe. In 1985, the U.S. military effectively used these methods with veterans who were suffering with Post Traumatic Disorder. Later, the Department of Defense issued a $2.4 million grant to further investigate how meditation could benefit veterans. Using ideas learned from this experience, schools can build better programs that inspire the students to actually love studying and not just to memorize data by route and pass a test.
  • Stop Bullying and Sexual Assaults NOW: James believes that bullying in K-12 and the abuse of women on college campuses must stop immediately.
  • Love to Learn: It’s not about an education system that is focused on absolute scores and advertises success over failure. It’s about instilling the love of learning in our young kids.
  • Reduce and Eliminate Students’ Debt: Offer to eliminate the debt of students if they serve their country or go to teach in schools for 10 years. In 2015, the total debt of U.S. students was close to $1.2 trillion. Moreover, allow students to refinance their college loans just like a mortgage or a car-loan. I want to consider a similar model used in Australia, where students who finish their degree, and are not earning enough to cover their student loan payments, instead receive tax credits. A bi-partisan committee would work to determine how will these tax credits be initiated.
  • Better Community Colleges: Create a bi-partisan committee composed of both Republicans and Democrats to research how community colleges can become free of charge for poor and working class-families in Maryland and across the United States.
  • Cooperating with the Private Sector to Help Students: Provide tax-incentives to any U.S. company that financially supports community colleges and/or creates programs which will train verified, unemployed Americans in the jobs of the 21st Century. Additionally, wealthy investors may agree to pay for student’s college education in exchange for a set percentage of their future income. If the student ends up with a great job the investment will be paid back early. If not, investment will be returned over a longer period. This idea is no different from what in theory, happens now. Under the Department of Education’s income-based repayment program, students borrow a certain amount from the federal government, with a guarantee that they can cap their future loan payments at 10% of their discretionary income for 20 years. At this point, the balance is forgiven. Here, students who borrow from wealthy people will not pay any interest at all.
  • Defined Goals: Raise standards and restore discipline. Data shows that students who go to school with a specific goal in mind, later make up to 3 times more than those who have no plan. Give incentives to students who desire to LEARNand get great grades and participate in extra-curricular activities. When students cheat on exams, it’s clear that they only value grades; not learning. BUT it’s not totally their fault. The school system promotes it, while technology promotes the absorption of information through captions, tweets, posts, and short videos. This creates an impatience to sit down for long hours and read quality books. Finally, CREATE national programs that inspire young kids to think big on ideas that can change the world in everything from science to the arts and from Technology to Clean Energy.
  • Grants: Boost federal grants for kids from poor areas in Maryland and across the United States who perform very well at school and want to attend college.
  • Reduce Costs for Students: Create a discounted online marketplace where students of all incomes can buy books and other necessary school items for a reduced price. In many cases, these costs can be as high as 25% of the total cost of school.
  • Fun Perks: Free parking passes for students for as long as they are in college and have a student loan. James believes that these small things can often make a difference.
  • Healthy Students: Some nations as Scotland provide free sanitary products to their students on campus. Should we explore this?
  • Technology: Make technological tools affordable for schools and equip the schools with the best technology so kids can access the internet, research data and organize information in a more effective way.
  • Give incentives to community colleges that promote degrees in middle-class jobs that will always be needed, instead of focusing mainly on theoretical subjects that may not find a real need in the U.S. jobs market.


A Personal Message from James Tarantin:

I hope you find my position here humane for Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and people of all faiths.

It is my genuine intention to treat fairly All People from every creed and color living in Maryland and the United States of America.

I will fight with all my might to pass the innovative policies presented here so YOUR VOICE WILL COME ALIVE.

Let’s do this together folks and bring back The American Dream to as many doorsteps as we can. My whole soul is into this… to Heal America and make YOUR DREAMS COME ALIVE!

With profound humility, I genuinely hope that I will have the honor of having your vote for the United States Senate this coming November/8TH, 2022.