
The American Dream Economy
Innovative Ideas & Policy Highlights by James Tarantin for U.S. Senate. Let's Go Maryland!.
Many political candidates pay lobbyists to craft their policy agenda.
James Tarantin authored the below plan and the plans on this website.
People want to listen to their leaders, not their backers.

  • James Tarantin had no healthcare for a decade – we must cover people now!
  • Catastrophic Healthcare for any family making less than $70,000 a year.
  • Medicare & Medicaid will not be touched, and people will get their benefits.
  • Mothers making less than $100,000 a year must get a full 4 months paid maternity leave.
  • Families driving an energy efficiency vehicle will get a $1,500 annual tax credit.
  • No Marylander Worker will lose his job working for the government.
  • A Principal Threat to Mankind is corruption in politics and lifetime politicians in office.
  • Fund and protect the police
  • Public safety
  • A Mothers’ treasures are her kids. We must provide a better public safety in Maryland!
  • Protect parent’s right to lead their children’s good education
  • A 21st Education deserves a 21st century detailed plan!
  • Secure the border and promote legal immigration
  • Cut the tax burden on working families
  • Ask people what they need instead of just throwing money at a problem
  • Inflation is another form of Tax
  • A $500 Billion Investment in small businesses including historic tax cuts.
  • Support free markets with LESS excessive regulations.
  • Families who lost their loved ones in war should NEVER PAY TAX.
  • Pre-Existing Conditions MUST be accepted by the insurance companies!
  • Uplifting Farmers through the Farmers’ Commonwealth.
  • A Married Couple making less $200k a year will get double child tax credit.
  • A Married Couple making less $200k a year will pay no taxes on a home down payment.
  • Parents putting aside money for their college child's education must be fully tax deductible.
  • A $10,000 tax-deduction for middle-class families, helping ailing parents and leave work.
  • Baltimore needs now more public safety and tax reduction. I love this city.
  • Renters’ Tax Credit for individuals / families whose rent is more than 30% of their income.
  • U.S. Corporations will get tax credits ONLY if they hire more U.S. residents and Vets.
  • Welcome Immigrants who come here legally. America is a nation of immigrants!
  • Seniors deserve to retire in dignity and comfort after a lifetime of hard work.
  • Seniors deserve more quality 55-and-up communities and less expensive transportation costs
  • Equality for all people of color, sex and walks of life under the law.
  • Strengthen Our Military.
  • Support the Vets with a better Free healthcare program, tax credits, and job training.
  • James Tarantin has a full plan to make the cities in Maryland richer and greener.
  • Defend the Privacy and data of all people online and in the physical marketplace.
  • Iran must not have a nuclear bomb and we must protect our allies, Israel and South Korea
  • Criminals and drug users must not own guns nor those with a mental disability
  • Stop Career Politicians who get unlimited money from special interests.
  • U.S. Senators must be limited to two-term serve. Why do they want to stay in power?

A Personal Message From James Tarantin:
I hope you find my position here humane for Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and people of all faiths. It is my genuine intention to treat fairly All People from every creed and color living in Maryland and the United States of America.
I will fight with all my might to pass the innovative policies presented here so YOUR VOICE WILL COME ALIVE. Let's do this together folks and bring back The American Dream to as many doorsteps as we can. My whole soul is into this ... to Heal America and make YOUR DREAMS COME ALIVE!

With profound humility, I genuinely hope that I will have the honor of having your vote for the United States Senate this coming November/8TH, 2022.