James Tarantin is an American entrepreneur, author, philosopher, game architect, and public speaker.
His family heritage begins with his paternal grandparents who, after losing all their children, were told they would never be able to have a child. Despite this awful decree, their dreams could not be deterred.
James' grandfather took a leap of faith; he fasted and prayed. To the amazement of many, wishes do come true and nine months later, a son was born, David.
James' father David was born into deep poverty in the Holy Land of Israel where the pots and pans did not serve to cook food, but to hold the raindrops dripping from the sky. He braved the cold and the scorching heat and through the sheer powers of humor, humility and heart, he carried his family up the mountain.
Meanwhile, James' Jewish mother grew up as an orphan raising her only sister alone. Her hope for a home of her own materialized when she married David. Together they had a son, James, in August 1985. James' mother would invest all her savings for his education and devote her time to teach him the meanings of self-reliance, wisdom and generosity towards every member of the human family.
James' mother would often say, "What is the meaning of value, pure value? Pure value happens before the separation. A time where Left and Right were one. A time where the arrows and the olive branches of peace were one; just like the American Coat of Arms."
James' dark skin color drew many scarring derogatory names throughout his youth. And having lived through the terrorizing sirens of the Gulf War in 1990, James begun searching for sources of light and unity among humankind. He would listen to the speeches of Martin Luther King Jr. and Billy Graham and came to understand that in a generous America no barrier, neither your birthplace nor your skin-color, should block your potential.
His parents unconditional love and an abiding faith in the possibilities for their son were the anchor on which James stood. Often, James would recite the words of Isaac Newton, grateful to his parents: "If I have ever seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."
Despite the many difficulties which present themselves to many students, James learned that if one is to quit on himself, then he also quits on his family, country and the future of others. James developed a passion for self-learning and reading constitutions and, when he was 21, he wrote a constitution which serves as a road map for business success. He published it at the age of 25.
At the age of 16, James' loving, young aunt passed away in a tragic manner before accomplishing her dreams. This heartbreaking event inspired him to do deep research for six months and travel to Rome to discover an equation that will provide people with a science of accomplishment and a power to reach happiness.
Being only a teenager, he could not publish his philosophical work. At age 25, he hand wrote the entire book and published it.
The Equation book lets people express their dreams and explores a rich array of issues such as family life, history, philosophy, human evolution, personal success, enterprises, spirituality, moral business conduct, pragmatism, and the universe.
James is one of the youngest modern thinkers to author a philosophical book. And, with no training in writing, James became one of the youngest authors in history to write a loose memoir.
The Equation is one of the few memoirs ever written to give people a groundbreaking equation on which to climb up.
While still a teenager, James set sail to Asia, Europe and the Americas to experience other cultures; an innocent search for self and a higher purpose.
His belief in people grew ever larger. When he reached poverty and loneliness, a wealthy man gave him some coins. When he had no health insurance, doctors would treat him free of charge. When his family was miles away, strangers extended hospitality. When he encountered the famous painting of George Washington Crossing the Delaware, he saw purpose and a new hope. In the words of Gandhi, "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."
James arrived alone to the United States as a teenager in the hope of living the American Dream. At the time he had no money, friends, connections, business partners, education, or family by his side.
From the ages of 18 to 28, James lived in a poor studio apartment with no health insurance and drove a $1,500 car which had over 120,000 miles. During these humbling years of poverty, chefs would give him food so he would not go to sleep hungry. To this day, this experience allows him to relate to all people from every walk of life and personally feel their pain when they want their voice to come alive.
James' family heritage and life experiences serve as the truth that America is a nation of immigrants, and though we come from different places and speak different tongues, our hearts beat as one.
At the age of 22, though still young and untested, the late legendary broadcaster Larry King took James under his wing, giving testimony that the American Dream genuinely means giving each other opportunities.
Although the Great Recession of 2008 hit the global economy, James decided to take initiative. He created a series of media properties; a mission to spark the imagination of people with intellectual properties in the field of media, games, films, literature and animation.
In 2011, James became an American citizen at the age of 25 following in the steps of his biological maternal grandmother who had been an American citizen for decades.
Building on his lived experience and passion for helping make their voice come alive, James serves as a public speaker and personal guide to many people around the world while also running his main enterprise, Flag & Symbol.
Against many tough odds, with a 580-credit score and with no credit line, investors, partners, bank loans, or a college degree, all the while working daily from a public library for 3 years straight, James humbly proved that the Equation book he authored years prior is a pathway to success when, at the age of 30, Flag & Symbol company became a multimillion-dollar global enterprise.
At this point James became a self-made man and his immigrant story transcended from a rags to riches story to the embodiment of the American Dream.
Many products that his company has been purchasing for clients across the world were and are made in the USA and this entrepreneurial company has allowed James to comprehend the industry of international trade.
As the President of Flag and Symbol, he is responsible for balancing the budget, fair international trade, expanding cash-flows, business legislation, tariffs exchange, and a genuine culture provided by the privately held enterprise.
James's close friends and family can testify that throughout his life, he genuinely never tried stiff alcohol, smoking, drugs, clubbing till midnight, or driving recklessly down the street, understanding that true excitement comes from within and that by experimenting with these edgy things you may put the lives of other people in peril.
Without being religious or forcing it on anyone, since the age of 21, James has been a man of faith; devoting on average 90 min every day to spiritual meditation and reading Judeo-Christian prayers.
Today James lives in Montgomery County, Maryland with his wife Jena, a former nurse, and their two sons who were born in 2018 and 2021.
In August 2021 James filed with the United States Government to become an official candidate for the U.S. Senate.
He became then the first person to be born in Israel to ever run for the United States Senate in 200 years.
James believes that since the dawn of civilization, the greatest danger to mankind is corruption in politics. When money buys life-serving politicians and the laws favor the rich, people do not accomplish their sacred dreams. James believes that the Author of our Being put humankind on this Earth so we may transform to our supreme self, light the world from the darkness and live in a new golden age defined by unity.