End The Genocide of Dreams

The Battle for the Soul of the American Dream:

Tarantin Positive Reform Plan to End the Genocide of Dreams


James Tarantin called Washington broken and released his plan to end politics as usual. James believes that the biggest danger to America is life-serving politicians.

“Career politicians are sitting in Washington DC and are serving the Elite rather than the men and women of this nation,” said James Tarantin. “This fact, and the fact that politicians are busy running campaigns rather than uniting us, have led many tens of millions of Americans to experience their dreams die in front of their eyes. Greed replaced ethics and the people want authentic, citizen representatives so their voice can come alive.”

“I will work to implement reforms that ensure Washington works for us not against us,” said Tarantin. “We can start healing our nation by passing these fair and bipartisan major reforms.”


Tarantin’s reforms include the following:


  • Term limit for Congress.
  • Require Senators to put their personal finances in a blind trust.
  • End insider trading on legislation.
  • No pay raises for Congressional members until the budget is balanced.
  • Post all legislation for five days before a vote so public has time to comment. Even more important, Congressional members must read the bills before voting.
  • No more special perks. Congressional members would be required to be on the same health plans as any American worker.
  • Require Senators to join the same pension system as all other federal employees.
  • Prohibit immediate family members from being paid federal lobbyists and serving on foreign corporate boards.


“It is unfortunate and tragic, but 90% of people do not trust the leaders in Washington, D. C.

By ending the era of career politicians with term limits, we can provide hope to tens of millions of people and allow them restore trust in our laws.” said Tarantin. “By prohibiting any potential Machiavellian tactic to enrich oneself off of legislation, we can return to the true meaning of honest and genuine public service.”

Tarantin, a New Age Republican, who emigrated to the United States embodies the America Dream, rising up from a struggling teen who was fed leftovers from restaurant owners to establishing and running a multimillion-dollar company, Flag & Symbol is running because he believes Maryland is tired of career politicians. He is a Modern Republican with common-sense, forward-looking solutions that will serve African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, women, and people from all creeds and colors. He has pledged to be a Senator for all the citizens of Maryland. He represents a fresh and new generation of leadership


Tarantin believes that the United States must do better to stay competitive and strong in the 21st century as we face an array of challenges. Tarantin advocates:


  • A 21st Century education that will allow our children to compete globally
  • Tax cuts for small businesses that are the engine of the American economy
  • Support for our brave men and women in blue and will oppose any attempt to defund the police
  • Term limits for Congress
  • Preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons
  • Supporting our veterans and assisting them with the challenges they face
  • Defending the privacy and data of citizens online
  • Cutting the tax burden on working families
  • Implementing the Farmer’s Commonwealth